Are There Early Signs Of Dementia & What to Do About It
Dementia is an overall term for the diseases and conditions that result in the decline in memory problem-solving, language, and mental abilities. It’s also incredibly common: an estimated 5.8 million Americans suffer from the condition.
Dementia is a term for general symptoms, and there are no tests to diagnose the condition. Some of the markers of dementia include:
- Memory loss noticed by others
- Difficulty finding words
- Confusion and disorientation
- Personality changes
- Depression and anxiety
- Inappropriate behavior
- Paranoia
- Agitation
The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, but there are also a number of other conditions that result in the symptoms of dementia. It is caused by damage or loss of nerve cells that keep the brain from functioning correctly.
Herbs and Mushrooms for Dementia
There is no known remedy for dementia. However, there are ways to improve cognition and help reduce the chances of dementia from starting in the first place.
There are also ways to help lessen many of the symptoms of dementia. Neurotropic are mind-boosting compounds that can cross the blood-brain barrier to help improve mental cognition. These specific herbs and mushrooms, along with lifestyle changes, can help reduce the chances of the onset of dementia. They can also help recover some of the cognitive and psychological conditions associated with dementia.
Many of the herbs and mushrooms on this list are powerful, but not always easy to find. It can also be difficult to know whether there are other ingredients in your supplement you would rather not have.
Neuro Shroom is a convenient supplement that combines all of the best supplements for a mental boost. Primal Herb uses the purest ingredients to make sure that you are getting the highest quality possible.
It includes many of the potent ingredients below to help support the mind and cognition. Whether support for a loved one with dementia, reducing the chances of dementia, or just a mental boost, Neuro Shroom has all the ingredients needed.
What herbs can help with dementia and a strong mind?
Lion’s Mane
Lion’s mane, which also goes by the scientific name Hericium erinaceus, is a powerful mental booster. It also has exciting implications for brain growth.
Several studies have shown that it is effective for improving cognitive impairment. One was a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 50-80-year-old Japanese patients with mild cognitive impairment. Those who took lion’s mane showed significant improvements in mental scores over the placebo group. The scores declined, however, once the group stopped taking the supplement.
Researchers also found in another study that lion’s mane helped improve memory and enhanced neurogenesis in aging mice. Yet another study found that it was potent for anti-dementia activity.
Not only is lion’s mane powerful for reducing the symptoms of dementia, but it can help to reduce the chances of the neuron damage that leads to it. A growing number of pre-clinical trials point to the consumption of lion’s mane for reduction of impairment in the early stages of dementia.
Researchers believe much of the power of lion’s mane comes from two compounds in the mushroom: hericenones and erinacines. These compounds help to stimulate the growth of brain cells, which fights the cell damage and death that causes dementia.
In addition to protecting the brain against cognitive decline, it’s powerful to help with the psychological symptoms as well. Depression is common in dementia, but initial animal trials show that lion’s mane can be used to help combat it. Another study on rats showed that it had the ability to help eliminate stress-induced depression.
Although these are only limited to animal studies so far, it is promising research.
Cordyceps is a fungus that thrives in the high mountain regions of China. People have long revered it for its health-promoting properties.
Cordyceps is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Its ability to help stave off inflammation and neuronal cell death mean that it has the potential to reduce the chances of memory loss. Inflammation is a key factor for some forms of dementia, such as vascular dementia.
Some studies highlight Cordycep’s neuroprotective abilities. One study on rat brains showed that those that took Cordyceps had reduced neuronal cell death and spatial memory loss.
Another study from 2018 showed that cordyceps were powerful for reducing the chances of dementia. It also helped lessen symptoms in rats that already had vascular dementia. An earlier study on gerbils revealed Cordycep’s ability to protect the hippocampal area of the brain, where memory takes place.
Although these studies were limited to animals, they have great implications for protecting the brain from damage.
Reishi Spores
Reishi spores are chocked full of powerful antioxidants and have exciting implications for health and wellness. People have long revered reishi mushrooms for their wellness-promoting qualities. At the end of the reishi mushroom’s growth cycle, it produces these spores as seeds. Each spore carries all the nutrients of the mushroom in a compact form. This compacted reishi spore amplifies the health-boosting compounds from the mushroom.
Initial studies are promising to show reishi spore’s therapeutic effect on neurodegenerative disorders. Another study on mice showed that it helped improve memory and combat impairment in cognition. A third study showed that it was a regenerative therapeutic agent for cognitive decline in the mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease.
It is important to note that one study on reishi spore powder did not improve outcomes for patients with Alzheimer’s disease. However, the study researchers theorized that it was likely that the 6-week trial was not long enough for effect.
In addition to being powerful for fighting cognitive decline, there is also research into its ability to fight depression. One study on 132 patients found that reishi reduced fatigue as well as improved well-being after eight weeks.
Another study of breast cancer survivors found that it reduced anxiety and depression after four weeks.
Reishi spores can be powerful to fight many of the symptoms of dementia to help slow its progression and improve mood.
Bacopa monnieri also often goes by the name bacopa. It is an herb that has been used for centuries in Ayurveda traditional medicine. Ancient practitioners used it to improve memory and reduce anxiety in patients. It is also full of antioxidants, which have health-boosting potential for the brain.
One of the active antioxidants in bacopa has been shown to prevent lipid peroxidation. Lipid peroxidation is linked to many neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease.
A 2012 study showed that bacopa reduced free radical damage in rats. It actually reversed signs of memory impairment in the rats.
In addition to reducing memory problems, bacopa also helps to boost brain function. One placebo-controlled study of 46 patients sought to test its ability to boost brain function. Researchers found that it increased the speed of processing visual information, learning rate, and memory over the placebo.
Another 12-week study showed an increase in brain function and improved memory. Patients also had improved attention and ability to process information, which can be a problem for those with dementia.
Bacopa’s brain-boosting ability makes it ideal for those who have dementia or would like to reduce the chances of getting it.
Bacopa is also considered an adaptogen, which means that it can help the body cope with stress. Some studies show that it can be powerful in helping fight against anxiety and depression.
One study on rats showed that it had anti-anxiety effects equivalent to the anti-anxiety medication Lorazepam.
A double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that bacopa help reduces anxiety and depression in the elderly. Another double-blind, placebo-controlled study on healthy adults showed that it improved mood. It also found that bacopa enhanced learning and memory.
Also note, though, that one study did not show that it had any effect on mood. It did show bacopa improved retention of new information.
For those that struggle with their mood, bacopa could offer a significant boost.
He Shuo Wu
People have long used he shuo wu to encourage healthy aging. It has potent anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antibacterial, and antitumor effects. It also improves the age-related decline of the nervous system. This decline of the nervous system is what leads to Alzheimer’s disease.
There are tragically few studies on he shuo wu and its effects on dementia. However, the research so far shows powerful results.
One trial found an effective rate of 71.25% on vascular dementia. Authors stated that it had a noticeable therapeutic effect on dementia without the side effects of conventional medication.
Another study researched patients with Alzheimer’s disease that took he shuo wu. They found the patients had significantly improved scores on their Mini-Mental State Examination and Ability of Daily Living Scale.
The initial studies for he shuo wu are so promising that researchers are currently developing a drug for dementia. DCB-AD1 comes from the active ingredients in he shuo wu to fight cognitive decline.
He shuo wu has incredible implications for improving mental acuity well into old age.
Used by traditional medical practitioners around the world for over 2000 years, ginseng continues to be a popular supplement. It is one of the most widely sold medicinal herbs worldwide. Ginseng is used for its anti-anxiety, antidepressant, and cognition-enhancing properties.
Researchers have studied ginseng extensively for its ability to boost cognition and reduce the chances of dementia. Some research, such as this study, shows that ginseng works cumulatively to help later in life. It’s never too early to start taking ginseng to reduce the chances of mental decline.
Ginseng has been the subject of numerous trials that show it boosts cognitive performance for dementia. A 12-week randomized trial found that it helped treat Alzheimer’s disease. A different 12-week study also showed it was effective in treating Alzheimer’s.
Another 24-week randomized study showed that ginseng was effective even up to 2 years after the study concluded. Even a study of moderate-to-severe Alzheimer’s patients found that ginseng was helpful for improving cognition.
An active ingredient in ginseng, ginsenosides, is what seems to be potent for battling dementia. A review from 2018 found that it reduced brain levels of beta-amyloid, a crucial amino acid involved in Alzheimer’s disease.
Ashwagandha, also called Indian winter cherry or Indian ginseng, is a powerful adaptogen. Researchers have linked it to several benefits to both the mind and body. It can have a powerful effect on the mood, which is helpful for those who have dementia.
Several studies link it to a decrease in anxiety. Researchers found that it blocks the stress pathways in the brains of mice.
Researchers have studied ashwagandha’s effects on humans as well. In one study, 64 subjects with a history of chronic stress were given ashwagandha for 60 days. In the end, researchers found that they were more resistant towards stress and had improved self-assessed quality of life. They also found that it significantly reduced depression as well.
Another placebo-controlled study found that ashwagandha significantly improved stress relief over the placebo. A third study of 75 participants showed that ashwagandha was effective for relieving stress.
Ashwagandha is also potent for memory. One study on sleep-deprived rats, which can often cause memory lapses, found that it helped improve memory. Another study of brain-damaged rats showed it helped improve memory again. A third study even showed that rats that took ashwagandha experienced a reversal of memory deficits.
Researchers studied ashwagandha’s effect on humans as well. One trial showed it improved cognitive and psychomotor performance in healthy people. In another study, patients with mild cognitive decline experienced improvement in their symptoms.
These studies are not associated with mental decline as severe as dementia. However, their positive results do suggest that they can help with some of the issues with dementia.
Lifestyle Adjustments for Dementia
If a substance causes dementia, the symptoms can often be reversed by lifestyle. Heavy drinking, certain medications, depression, and hormone imbalance are common causes of reversible dementia. In fact, professionals estimate that about 1/5 of all cases of dementia can be reversed through lifestyle.
However, for most people, dementia cannot be reversed. The chances of it occurring can be reduced, though, through a healthy lifestyle. The same lifestyle adjustments can also help slow down the progression of dementia.
Although supplements can help boost the brain, they cannot completely erase an unhealthy lifestyle. With healthy changes, though, herbs and mushrooms can help amplify the results.
Some lifestyle adjustments include:
Healthy diet. Alzheimer’s disease is sometimes referred to as “Type 3 diabetes” by health professionals. Researchers have increasingly found a link between insulin resistance and diabetes.
Just like Type 2 diabetes, the best defense is a healthy diet. A diet rich in healthy fats (which is fuel the brain), vegetables, and healthy protein is foundational for a healthy brain. Also, reduce sugar and processed foods in the diet in order to protect your cognitive skills.
The ketogenic diet is currently being researched for its ability to slow down the progression of dementia. It is a high-fat, moderate protein and low carbohydrate diet that is thought to support the brain. Initial research is promising for its ability to improve brain function.
Exercise. Like a healthy diet, exercise is foundational to reducing the chances of mental decline. Movement may be especially helpful for people with the APOE4 gene mutation. The gene makes them more likely to get Alzheimer’s disease as they age.
It also has other impressive health benefits. Just a few of them include lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of certain cancer, as well as relieving insomnia, anxiety, and depression.
Exercise does not have to mean marathons or hours at the gym. Regular walks, lifting simple weights, swimming, and gardening are all excellent choices.
Adequate sleep. Sleep, as a whole, still eludes most scientists. No one knows exactly why animals, as well as humans, require a certain amount of sleep every night. However, it’s clear that it is essential, and skimping on sleep can lead to a host of problems. This is especially true for mental health.
Skimping on sleep causes lower mental function in the short-term and could spell trouble in the long-term. To keep the brain healthy for years to come, get a full night’s sleep.
Mental Challenges. Regularly challenging the mind is essential to keep it healthy for years to come. Some studies have shown that older adults who engage in mentally stimulating tasks were less likely to become cognitively impaired. Intellectually stimulating activities can help to keep in the best shape. Reading, writing, sudoku, crosswords, and card games are all excellent ways to stay sharp.
Get social. Human beings were wired for social connection. However, as we age, it gets hard to make and keep social relationships. Research has long connected social interactions with longevity, so engage in social activities to stay sharp. An active social support group also lowers stress, which further improves mental abilities.
Stop smoking. Add mental longevity to the long list of reasons to stop smoking. The toxins in cigarettes lead to inflammation, which is linked to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
Support for Dementia
Cognitive decline doesn’t have to inevitable. With the right herbs, mushrooms, and lifestyle choices, many people can slow its progression and even prevent the onset of dementia.
Neuro Shroom includes many of the potent ingredients above for better mental clarity and longevity. Give it a try today!
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