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Enhance Blood Circulation and Heart Health With Powerful Herbs & Life Hacks

According to the Center for Disease Control, someone dies of a heart attack every 40 seconds. In the United States, one out of every four deaths is due to heart disease.

It’s safe to say that our heart’s health is under assault. Our modern lifestyle has created an epidemic of poor cardiovascular health that is up to us to stop.

How to Fight Back Against Heart Disease with Herbs and Lifestyle Changes

Thankfully, modern research and ancestral wisdom have given us the knowledge and tools we need to increase our defenses. With the proper diet, lifestyle hacks, and herbs, we can keep our hearts and arteries strong well into old age.

We’ve created CARDIO BLD-FLW to harness many of these ingredients into one potent formula. Sourcing the highest quality ingredients, each one is backed by both historical use and modern research. It can give us the edge we need to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system in the modern era.

Poor circulation and cardiovascular health can lead to a wide range of health problems long before it leads to a heart attack, including:


In some rare and extreme cases, poor circulation can even lead to amputation. We can avoid many of these issues with the right lifestyle modifications. By taking care of our hearts, we can experience a number of benefits for years:

How can we harness these benefits to enjoy life for years to come? Modern life makes it difficult. Poor food quality, high stress, exposure to toxins and EMF, poor sleep, and lack of access to the outdoors can all impact our heart health. Even with lifestyle modifications, we can’t erase all of these detrimental factors.

herbs can help. They can give us an extra boost to strengthen our bodies against the assault we’re exposed to daily. For thousands of years, health practitioners have known different ingredients that can help protect the heart and blood. Most recently, scientists have been able to confirm many of these benefits.

Learn More About Cardio BLD-FLOW: Click Here

Beet Root Powder

Beets are usually divided into two elements: the leafy greens at the top and the bulbed root in the ground. Beetroots come in dark red, golden, or white colors.

Ancient practitioners have long used beetroots to help treat ailments related to blood and digestion. There have been documented uses of medicinal beetroot during the Roman era, and it was especially popular during the Middle Ages.

Today, research has been able to verify many of its benefits for the blood and heart. 

Beets are exceptionally high in nitrates. While many avoid the processed version in meats, the body converts natural forms of nitrate, like in beetroot, into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a critical compound for maintaining arterial health. It sends signals to the muscle cells in the arteries to help them relax, which leads to lower blood pressure.


It’s no surprise, then, that researchers found that beetroot can help lower blood pressure. 

A meta-analysis of 16 studies found that consuming beetroot juice was associated with a “significant reduction in systolic blood pressure.” The researchers found that it helped lower blood pressure even in participants who were not keeping their blood pressure under control with medication.

In another 2018 review of 11 studies, researchers found that beetroots could be a powerful aid in controlling blood pressure. Another double-blind, randomized 2020 trial also found that beetroot juice lowered blood pressure.

Beyond helping those with poor cardiovascular health, beetroot has also been found to improve exercise performance.

Blood flow is critical in athletic performance. It brings oxygen and nutrients to the muscles so that they can perform optimally. It also helps athletes heal faster after strenuous exercise to come back even stronger.

Beetroot can help them with that. A 2018 review of several studies found that beetroot improved high-intensity athletic performance by improving muscle power and lowering muscular fatigue.

Another 2017 review of 23 studies also found that beets improved cardiorespiratory endurance in athletes. A double-blind, randomized, cross-over 2018 study found that beetroot helped enhance the performance of athletes in all-out sprints.

If we want to improve our athletic game, beetroots can provide a powerful boost.

Hibiscus Flower Extract

Hibiscus is a flowering plant that is used around the world, most commonly in teas. It is most famously known as “sour tea” in Iran. While it originated in Angola, it is now cultivated throughout the world, especially in Egypt, Thailand, Mexico, and China.

The flower is used by health practitioners worldwide for everything from maintaining body temperature to skin support to promoting circulation. 

Researchers have also found that hibiscus can offer a wide range of benefits, especially when it comes to cardiovascular health.

Many of hibiscus’ benefits come from the fact that it is particularly rich in antioxidants. One study found that hibiscus extract increased the antioxidants in rats by 92%. Another study on rats also confirmed these findings. In 2020, a different study found that it had protective effects against oxidative stress in mice.

The research is not limited to animals, however. In one 2017 study, soccer players supplemented with hibiscus and green tea for six weeks. At the end of the study, researchers found that it resulted in better oxidative stress status.

Oxidative stress plays a significant role in circulation health, hypertension, and heart disease. Many studies have found a link between oxidative stress and hypertension. Other research found that oxidative stress leads to mitochondrial dysfunction. This dysfunction plays a large role in heart disease.

Scientists have found that hibiscus can play a part in reducing hypertension. 

A review of studies found that participants who took hibiscus tea daily had lower blood pressure. In fact, it even worked better than some medication!

Even more recent research has also confirmed these findings. A 2019 study on rats found that hibiscus had a relaxing effect on the muscles surrounding the heart. This effect opens up the arteries, fighting against hypertension. A 2020 review of seven randomized trials also found that it lowered both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Another 2019 study found that hibiscus extract improved vascular function and cut cardiovascular disease risk.  

Researchers have also found that hibiscus can help lower cholesterol levels.

One study had participants drink hibiscus daily for one month. At the end of the month, they saw an increase in the “good” HDL cholesterol and a decrease in total cholesterol and triglycerides. Another study also found that it lowered overall cholesterol while boosting good cholesterol.

However, these effects seem exclusive to those with metabolic syndrome or diabetes. Some studies found that it did not have an impact on cholesterol or triglycerides in healthy individuals.

Garlic Bulb

Garlic is popular worldwide for its unique taste and strong smell. However, ancient health practitioners have long known that garlic holds potent health benefits. In fact, there is documented use by almost every major civilization, including the Roman, Chinese, and Egyptians. 

In fact, ancient Greeks would even give their athletes garlic to help improve their performance.

Today, scientists have identified a number of benefits, especially for the heart. Researchers have found that garlic’s unique flavor profile is due to a number of sulfur compounds. These compounds also offer health benefits.

Garlic has gotten attention recently for its ability to boost the immune system. One 12-week, placebo-controlled study found that it reduced illness by 63%. Another study found that taking garlic extract reduced sick days by 61%.

While more research is needed, the studies so far point to garlic as a powerful boost to the immune system.

One of the compounds in garlic, s-allylcycstein, has been shown to fight against neuroinflammation in rats. Neuroinflammation puts people at risk for developing cognitive deficits, as well as dementia. Other research has also found that the antioxidants in garlic help fight against Alzheimer’s Disease and reduces the risk of developing dementia.

Other research has also found that garlic offers significant cardiovascular benefits. One study found that taking 600-1500 mg of garlic (about four cloves a day) was as effective as certain medication in reducing blood pressure. Another 2020 review of 12 trials that totaled 553 hypertensive patients found that garlic helped reduce blood pressure and helped multiple benefits for cardiovascular health.

Some researchers found that garlic is also able to increase athletic performance. In one study, people with heart disease took garlic oil for six weeks. At the end of the study, participants had a 12% reduction in peak heart rate and better exercise. In other studies, researchers found that garlic works as an anti-fatigue agent, which could help improve athletic performance.

Panax Ginseng

Panax ginseng also goes by the name Asian or Korean ginseng. It is also nicknamed “true ginseng” to separate it from American ginseng. 

The plant grows in Korea, the mountainous regions of eastern Russia, and northeastern China. The root has been a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries. However, it has grown in popularity recently because of many of its research-backed benefits.

Ginseng is a potent antioxidant. Researchers identified over 40 compounds that fight oxidative stress, especially detrimental to blood circulation and the heart.

A 2017 review of several studies found that the antioxidants in ginseng reduced the chances of oxidative stress-associated chronic disease. In particular, it provides powerful protection against heart disease.

A different review found that it helped reduce the chances of cardiovascular diseases. Yet a third review of multiple studies found that it had cardiovascular benefits.

Bedroom performance and stamina can be a significant issue for men with poor circulation. Ginseng can provide a boost with its ability to improve circulation. Multiple studies have verified this benefit.

One review of six studies found that there was evidence for its effectiveness in improving bedroom performance. Another study also found that it helped enhance both performance and satisfaction.

Brain function and cognition can also suffer from reduced blood flow. However, researchers found that ginseng can provide a mental boost as well. 

Studies found that ginseng helped improve memory, behavior, and mood. Another study found that even a single dose of ginseng affected cognition.

Ginseng provides a wide range of benefits that can help improve many facets of life.


Ginger is a flowering plant that originated from Southeast Asia. While many know it for its culinary purposes, ginger also has a long history of medicinal use. 

Many cultures around the world revere the root for its many health benefits. Recently, scientists have confirmed many of these benefits.

Ginger-Root-for health Powder

Like many ingredients in this list, ginger is a potent antioxidant. In particular, one of its properties, 6-gingerol, is a particularly powerful antioxidant. In addition, ginger contains shogaol and paradols that are valuable to fight oxidative stress.

In addition, researchers have found that ginger is powerful in reducing the risk factors for heart disease. 

One study found that it reduced two blood sugars in particular that increases the risk of heart disease. A second study on rabbits found it helped the heart by suppressing atherosclerosis. Another study also found that it helped stop atherosclerosis formation.

The science is promising, but more research still needs to be done.

The antioxidant properties found in ginger help keep the brain healthy and focused. Researchers have found that ginger helps reduce the chances of amyloid accumulation, which is associated with Alzheimer’s Disease. Research also found that it protects the brain against oxidative stress and inflammation.

A study on postmenopausal women had them supplement with ginger for three months. At the end of the study, researchers found these women had increased attention, speed, and quality of memory. Another study on rats showed that ginger helped improve brain impairment induced by morphine.

Pine Bark

The pine tree is a hardy plant. They are found all around the world, and over a hundred different species exist to adapt to their environment.

As a result, many cultures around the world use various parts of the plant for health benefits. In particular, the Indigenous people in North America used the bark in teas to fight off scurvy and heal wounds.

Pine bark is both anti-inflammatory and full of antioxidants. It acts to protect the heart and provide numerous health benefits.

A 2017 study on rats found that the antioxidants protected the heart after injury. Another study on mice showed that it helped reduce the chances of atherosclerosis formation even with an unhealthy diet.

There are also human studies that verify their cardioprotective benefits. A 2019 review of 14 trials with over 1,000 participants in total looked into the benefits of pine bark. Researchers found that it had an important role in reducing the chances of cardiovascular diseases.

Those with metabolic syndrome and diabetes are particularly vulnerable to issues with circulation and heart health. Pine bark appears to help reduce many side effects for these two groups especially.

One 2019 study found that it helped reduce the chances of oxidative stress and DNA damage in rats. Another review wanted to find the benefits of pine bark in current literature. They found that it helped reduce many side effects of metabolic syndrome, including lowering high blood pressure. A different study also found that it had an anti-hypertensive impact due to its protective qualities.

Pine bark’s ability to improve circulation can also mean better athletic skill. In one study, researchers found it helped athletes perform at higher levels. This was true even at high-stress sports, such as triathlons.

Researchers also found pine bark helps improve cognition. 

A 2018 study sought to find its effects on patients with minimal cognition impairment. They found that it helped improve their cognition scores. Another 12-month study on healthy older adults found that it improved cognitive function. 

It also has cognitive benefits for younger people. A 12-week study found it improved cognition in healthy professionals between 35 and 55. An 8-week study on healthy students also found it help enhance cognitive performance on their test scores.

Whether you need significant cognitive help or a bit of a boost before a big test, pine bark can help.

Pine bark can also help improve satisfaction in the bedroom. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled 2019 study researched its ability to help those with diabetes. They found that it was able to improve bedroom performance. Another similar study sought to see its effects on those with performance issues. Researchers discovered that their function returned to normal when participants supplemented with pine bark and amino acids.

While more research needs to be done, the initial studies are promising.

Life Hacks for Heart Health, Blood Pressure, and Circulation

With our bodies constantly under assault, the more that we can do to improve our heart health is vital for long and healthy lives. Fortunately, there are other life hacks we can use to make our hearts strong:

  • Get some sunshine. The sun is our hearts’ friend! Sensible sun exposure is a powerful way to boost heart health, among other benefits. Research shows that exposure to sunlight can help reduce blood pressure. It can also cut the risk of heart attack and stroke. In fact, a 2020 study with over 340,000 participants found sunlight exposure is associated with lower blood pressure.
  • Eat the rainbow. When it comes to protecting your heart and improving blood flow, keep your diet colorful! Colorful vegetables, fruits, and spices are rich in anti-inflammatories called flavonoids. Flavonoids help reduce inflammation of the blood vessel walls, leading to reduced hypertension and risk of a heart attack. Research shows a diet rich in flavonoids leads to lower rates of hypertension.
  • Get moving. Exercise is critical for a healthy life. Jogging, cycling, walking, swimming, and dancing are all great ways to improve your cardiovascular health. Research shows that it helps improve blood pressure and boosts overall health.
  • Practice mindfulness. Stress is particularly harmful to the heart. Meditation, prayer, and mindfulness are powerful ways to keep it under control and help the heart. Researchers have found that the act of mindfulness can help lower blood pressure.
  • Take a cold shower. Wim Hof has popularized cold water and its many health benefits. Researchers have found that cold water can help improve blood flow. Take a cold shower, or swim in a cold lake or the ocean to reap the benefits.
  • Practice body brushing. Dry brushing is used around the world for many benefits. In particular, research shows that it can improve circulation. Take five minutes a day before a shower to brush upwards towards the heart. There are plenty of YouTube videos showing how it can be done.

Taking care of our health does not have to be an expensive or complicated process. Incorporating just a few of these tips every week can help improve health and provide our hearts with the boost they need to function optimally!



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