Got Parasites? Discover Herbal Remedies and Life Hacks for Powerful Relief
There are currently approximately 3,200 types of parasites in the world. They are found everywhere, from the air to water to soil to food, and are difficult to escape.
While many people assume that parasites are limited to developing countries and suspicious sushi restaurants, they are fairly common. In fact, the CDC released startling numbers about parasites in the U.S.:
- More than 60 million people have a chronic Toxoplasma gondii infection.
- More than 300,000 people have Trypanosoma infection
- At least 1,000 people every year visit the hospital for pork tapeworm.
- Over 14% of the population has come into contact with roundworm, which is common in dogs and cats.
With millions suffering from parasites every year, many want to find natural remedies alongside traditional medicine.
Common Parasites and Symptoms of Infection
Different parasites are more common depending on the region. Some of the most common parasites around the world include:
- Roundworms
- Tapeworms
- Pinworms
- Chagas disease
- Trichomoniasis
- Malaria
- Giardia
- Toxoplasmosis
- Hookworm
Because there are so many different kinds of parasites, there aren’t set symptoms for all of them. Instead, they can cause a wide variety of symptoms, including:
- Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain
- Anal itching
- Sleep issues
- Anemia
- Allergies
- Skin issues, such as rashes
- Weight loss, bigger appetite, or both
- Aches and pains
- Weakness and malaise
- Stomach ulcers
There are a number of ways that a person can come into contact with parasites. It is typical for travelers to pick up a parasite in a new country. It can also be transmitted through undercooked meat, contaminated food, soil or water, and poor sanitation or hygiene.
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Effective Herbs for Parasites
Parasites have been around since the beginning of human history, and people have long struggled with them. As a result, ancient practitioners have found certain herbs and mushrooms that are useful in treating parasites and many of their unfortunate side effects.
Scientists have since studied many of these mushrooms and herbs and found the properties that make them so potent against parasites.
Sweet Wormwood
Once banned in America as one of the main ingredients in absinthe, Wormwood was legalized in 2007. Although it is not hallucinogenic as experts and lawmakers once feared, it does offer a wide number of benefits, especially against parasites.
Sweet Wormwood was used all the way back in Ancient Egypt to treat intestinal worms. Today, scientists have pinpointed a specific property in Wormwood, thujone, as the reason for its antiparasitic properties.
A recent 2018 study found that Wormwood reduced dwarf tapeworm levels similar to antiparasitic medication. Another study on mice also found that it helped to reduce parasites and improved body weight in subjects.
Not only can Wormwood be useful in fighting parasites, but it can also help ease some of the uncomfortable symptoms of the infection. Stomach pains, constipation, and diarrhea are all common with parasites and can make the infected suffer miserably.
Research shows that Wormwood helps stimulate digestion and relieve spasms in the intestinal tract. Another study found that it helped support healthy digestion.
While more research still needs to be done, the initial studies on wormwood help verify its ancient use as a boost for intestinal health.
The history of artemisinin as an herbal medicine use goes back to about 1000 years ago when Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners described using it as an anti-fever remedy.
Today, artemisinin is recognized by medical professionals as a powerful aid against parasites. In fact, the World Health Organization recommends artemisinin to boost traditional medical treatments for a particularly deadly parasite, malaria.
The science supports this recommendation. A review of multiple studies found that it was effective against malaria. Yet another study also found that it was effective against malaria.
A 2018 study found that the reason artemisinin was effective because it damaged the proteins in parasites without being deadly to the host.
The science is not clear whether artemisinin fights other types of parasites because of the lack of research.
Not only does artemisinin help to fight parasites, but it can also bring pain relief. It is common to get aches and pains throughout the body as a result of parasites. One study found that because of artemisinin’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, it can help relieve pain throughout the body.
As a protective mechanism, parasites dull the host’s immune response. This leaves those with parasites more vulnerable to other attacks, such as a virus or bacteria infection.
Artemisinin can help fight against this. Artemisinin works as an immunomodulating agent. This means that they can either boost or calm the immune system based on what the body needs. This means that it can help combat the immune-suppression of parasites.
Black Walnut Hull
Black walnut trees grow throughout the United States and are popular for their bold and earthy flavor. The hull of the black walnut, in particular, holds impressive health benefits.
Health practitioners have used black walnut in cultures all over the world, from Indigenous to Asian cultures.
Black walnut has one ingredient in particular that is harmful to parasites: juglone. A 2015 study found that it induced cell death in Acanthamoeba, a dangerous parasite that usually attacks the eye. Another study found that juglone killed the parasite Toxoplasma.
A 2019 analysis also found that juglone found that it has strong antiseptic compounds that make it ideal in fighting parasites.
One potential outcome of parasites is that it can leave the host with inflammatory diseases even after it is gone. While the research is not conclusive, some studies found that parasites can cause inflammatory diseases. It can also cause pain in the joints as they become inflamed.
Black walnut can help fight against inflammatory diseases. One 2019 study found that it inhibits cytokine production, which can kick off inflammation in the body.
Clove Extract
Cloves are dried aromatic flower buds that come from an evergreen tree in Indonesia. As a spice, cloves have a long history. The clove has been traded and prized for centuries for its particular flavor. It is especially popular in Indian and British cuisine.
Cloves have also been historically prized for their medicinal benefits. Practitioners in Ayurvedic medicine have long used cloves to treat gastrointestinal infections.
Today, researchers have found that a particular property in cloves is a potent agent against parasites, called eugenol. Recent research has brought to light its capabilities to kill several different types of parasites.
One 2019 study on mice infected with the parasite Schistosoma mansoni sought to find the effects of cloves. Researchers found that it reduced worms in the mice. Another study tested clove extract against Babesia, which is a common Lyme coinfection. They found the parasite was lowered by 69%.
Another test-tube study found that clove extract significantly reduced blastocysts, a microscopic parasite that attacks the gut. Yet, a separate study found that cloves inhibited the growth of Giardia, an intestinal parasite common in the United States.
Bacterial infections are another complication of parasites. Research shows that in the case of some parasites, such as leishmaniasis and malaria, bacteria can complicate parasite infections. Cloves can help boost the body with their antibacterial properties as well.
Researchers found that cloves help restrain microorganisms, including bacteria. A test-tube study found that cloves eliminated three common strains of bacteria, including the deadly strain of E. coli.
Depending on the type of parasite, some people experience ulcers as a result. The hookworm, for example, often causes ulcers because of how it attaches to the gut wall and disrupts the mucous lining.
Cloves can provide protection for the gut wall to help reduce the chance of forming an ulcer. In fact, one study found that it worked similar to anti-ulcer medication to help protect and heal the mucous lining. Another study on rats sought to discover how it helped save the gut wall. Researchers found that it helped increase gastric mucous production in animals.
Those who have or recently had a parasitic infection may use cloves to help rebuild their gut wall and improve their mucous lining.
Organic Olive Leaf
While modern health gurus know the health benefits of olive oil, ancient health practitioners also knew of another health-giving aspect of the olive tree: the leaves.
There is some research that shows olive leaf is effective in the fight against parasites. Although the current research is limited to the types of parasites studied, they do show that the leaves have antiparasitic properties.
A 2016 study found that olive leaf was effective against the Giardia parasite. A 2019 study on mice found that olive leaves had anti-malarial activity. Another study in 2017 on goats sought to find out its effect on parasites as well. They found that it showed substantial antiparasitic benefits.
While the research is still limited to primarily animal studies, it is promising.
One property in olive leaves, in particular, oleuropein, is also full of health benefits for those who are suffering from the effects of parasites.
Oleuropein contains anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating properties. Its ability to boost the immune system will leave the body stronger to better fight off parasites.
Olive leaf’s anti-inflammatory properties are also helpful against hurting joints. In fact, studies show that it helps treat pain from multiple forms of inflammatory arthritis. There is reason to think, then, that it could help with inflammation caused by parasites.
Low energy is also another unfortunate side effect that people experience with parasites. Olive leaf could help counteract tiredness and fatigue. One study found that it interacts with bile acids to help increase energy.
Olive leaf also has gastroprotective properties. Parasites often aggravate the gut, and many people suffer from pain and diarrhea for extended amounts of time. A 2019 study found that olive leaf can help soothe the gut, which can bring some relief for those who have parasites.
Olive leaf extract can be a potent ingredient against parasites and can bring relief to some of its side effects.
Caprylic Acid
Coconut oil has a long history of use in Asia, especially in the tropics, where coconuts are plenty. After years of being demonized in the United States for its high-fat content, the oil has enjoyed recent popularity for its numerous health benefits.
One property in coconut oil, in particular, has many of its health benefits: caprylic acid. There is some research on its ability to protect the gut and boost the body in the wake of an infection.
There is very limited research on caprylic acid and its antiparasitic effects. One study, however, found that it was effective against parasites in fishes. It hasn’t been demonstrated in humans yet, though.
There is more research on caprylic acid’s ability to protect and improve the gut. Research shows that its anti-inflammatory properties are especially potent on the gut. A recent 2019 study found that it helps soothe inflammatory bowel disorders. Another study also found that it was helpful in calming inflammation in patients with Crohn’s, another inflammatory bowel disease.
This can be useful for those who suffer from inflammatory diseases after overcoming an infection.
Caprylic acid’s anti-microbial properties can help reduce the effects of a bacterial infection that may come with parasites. One study found that caprylic acid reduced five different strains of bacteria.
With its wide range of benefits, caprylic acid can provide a powerful boost against parasitic infections.
Ceylon Cinnamon
Made from the inner bark of several tree species belonging to the Cinnamomum genus, cinnamon has been highly prized for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. However, not all cinnamon is the same. Ceylon cinnamon, in particular, has many additional health benefits over the traditional Cassia cinnamon that can be found in a grocery store.
There is limited evidence that it can kill parasites. A review of over 70 studies on Ceylon cinnamon found that it does have antiparasitic properties. However, more research needs to be done to confirm those findings.
Cinnamon is also loaded with antioxidants to help heal damage to the body. It is especially rich in polyphenols, a potent antioxidant. In one study, researchers compared the antioxidant activity of 26 spices. They found that cinnamon contained the most antioxidants, even beating out garlic and oregano.
The spice also fights inflammation in the body. In a 2015 study, researchers found that Ceylon cinnamon had powerful anti-inflammatory activity. Another earlier in vitro and in vivo study also found significant anti-inflammatory activities, which might help stave off complications after an infection.
Lastly, Ceylon cinnamon contains strong antibacterial properties. One study found that it fought against two different strains of bacteria in addition to several other microbes, salmonella and E. coli. Another study found that it could help destroy bacteria by disrupting the membrane.
With its numerous benefits, Ceylon cinnamon can provide a powerful boost for those who are fighting off an infection.
Natural Remedies for Parasites
When it comes to parasites, prevention is critical. Some ways to reduce the chances of a parasitic infection include:
- Eat well-cooked fish and meat
- Drink from sealed bottles when traveling to areas prone to parasites
- Use insect repellant
- Avoid bathing in lakes or rivers when possible
- Keep fingernails short and avoid biting them
- Wash clothes and bed linens often
- Treat animals for parasites right away.
Probiotics can also provide helpful support in strengthening the microbiome. Research shows that probiotics help both reduce the chances of and treat infections.
Antiparasitic diets are also a way to help speed along the process of killing parasites and avoiding re-infection. Often, parasites feed on harmful bacteria and yeast in the microbiome and gut. A diet that is low in sugars, alcohol, processed foods, and grains while high in fiber, vegetables, nutrient-dense foods, and pasture-raised meat is effective in helping suppress bad bacteria and starving parasites of their food choice.
Some antiparasitic foods to add include:
- Probiotic-rich foods, including sauerkraut, yogurt, kefir, kombucha, etc.
- Papaya juice and seeds
- Coconut oil
- Garlic
- Onions
- Oregano
- Ginger
Colonics are another natural alternative during a parasite cleanse. It can help speed the process of expelling any parasites. However, it’s important not to do too many. Two or three cleanses once a week should help give the body a boost.
Parasite Relief
Parasites can be tricky and sometimes difficult to remove. Most people who struggle with an infection often need a boost to help kill off the parasites and relieve some of their symptoms. Traditional practitioners observed which plants improved the gut health of their patients and which were antiparasitic.
Today, researchers have largely found that these observations are correct. These traditional remedies have potent properties that can help boost the body to fight parasites and their uncomfortable side effects.
We harnessed these powerful herbs into one formula with the purest ingredients. Each herb and spice is backed by both science and tradition to ensure that EX-CANDIDA can improve the microbiome and help fight parasites.
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