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Constipation No More: Discover Potent Herbal Cures and Expert Hacks

Constipation is one of the most insidious and underestimated epidemics in American life:

While it can be comforting to know that we are not alone in our suffering, it does little to ease our pain. However, there are ways to be proactive in alleviating our discomfort. Healthcare practitioners have found ancient remedies to bring balance and movement back to the gut for thousands of years. 

Causes of Constipation

While the causes of constipation can be diverse, they all result in the following symptoms:

  • Passing hard, dry, and lumpy stools
  • Pain or needing to strain during bowel movements
  • Feeling full even after a bowel movement
  • Fewer than three bowel movements a week.

There are a number of reasons that constipation can develop:

  • Not enough fiber or water in the diet
  • Lack of movement and exercise
  • Certain medications, especially opioids, antacids, and diuretics
  • Travel
  • Stress
  • Parasites, such as pinworms
  • Pregnancy
  • Overuse of laxatives

In addition, certain conditions could contribute to constipation. 

Because there are so many different causes of constipation, it can be difficult for doctors to treat. However, there are some general lifestyle changes and supplements that can help bring relief.

Herbal Remedies for Constipation

Constipation is more than just an inconvenience or discomfort. A healthy bowel movement is critical for overall health. The liver works by dumping toxins into our intestines to be flushed out of the body. Constipation causes these toxins to sit in the body and get re-absorbed back up into the colon. 

Health practitioners have long understood the connection between regular bowel movements and overall health. They also identified certain natural herbs and remedies to help keep their patients healthy and regular.

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Today, science has been able to confirm what these practitioners instinctively knew. We have the ability to test these ingredients and find the best ones based on research and traditional use.

These powerful ingredients include:

Sweet Wormwood

A scented perennial plant that comes from the daisy family, wormwood, also called Sweet Annie, grows wild throughout the U.S. Although it was used in most recent history to flavor the infamous absinthe, it has a long history of medicinal use.

Traditional health practitioners long used wormwood to improve digestion, fight parasites, and help relieve liver and gallbladder problems. Today, scientists have found numerous uses for the plant.

Often, constipation can result in a lack of motility in the gut. One study found that wormwood helped contribute to healthy digestion. Researchers also found that wormwood helps stimulate digestion in the intestines. 

Although Crohn’s Disease is usually associated with diarrhea flare-ups, constipation can also develop with the disease. It usually happens because those with the condition tend to avoid high fiber food because of the risk of a flare-up, along with the medications taken for the disease, such as antidiarrheals, pain medication, or antidepressants.

Research shows that wormwood can help bring relief to people living with Crohn’s Disease. One study found that 90% experienced a decrease in symptoms, even with lower doses of steroids. 

A poor gut that has an overgrowth of harmful bacteria, as well as other microbes, can cause constipation in many people. Wormwood may support the fight against this by attacking harmful bacteria, fungi, and parasites.

One study found that wormwood displayed antimicrobial activity against many different bacterial strains. In addition, other research found that essential oil distilled with parts of wormwood inhibited the growth of 11 different fungi.

Candida is a normal yeast in the gut in small amounts. However, overuse of antibiotics, a diet rich in starches, or excessive stress can cause it to take over and proliferate far more than it should. An overgrowth of Candida can cause bloating, gas, and constipation. Wormwood can help the body fight against it. One study found that it inhibited the growth of the yeast to help keep it from taking over.

Beyond bacteria, parasites can also result in constipation and gas. Wormwood has traditionally been used for thousands of years to fight intestinal worms, stretching all the way back to Ancient Egypt.

Modern research shows that they were on to something. One 2018 study on dwarf tapeworm found that wormwood worked as well as some anti-parasitic medication. Another study found that it reduced parasites and improved the body weight in mice.

Caprylic Acid

Coconut oil has traditionally been used in the tropical areas of Asia for cooking and medicine. Cultures in the area referred to the coconut palm as the “tree of life” because of its many uses. Ayurveda and Thai health practitioners would use coconut oil for everything from heart problems to burns to sore throats and laryngitis. 

While coconut oil has been a victim of the anti-fat crusade in the U.S., it has recently regained popularity for its many health benefits. One of the active properties of coconut oil, caprylic acid, is shown to offer a number of benefits. Many of these benefits can help reduce the occurrence of constipation.

An imbalanced microbiome is at the root of most cases of constipation. Without the right bacteria to absorb food and keep it moving along, the gut can grow stagnant. Plus, the fermentation of food in the intestines, which happens when it sits, can also lead to the proliferation of bacteria and yeast that should be in much smaller numbers. Research shows that gut dysbiosis, or “leaky gut,” is associated with chronic constipation.

Caprylic acid can help by reducing the overgrowth of certain bacteria and yeast. One study found that caprylic acid reduced the symptoms of certain Candida infections. Another 2019 study found that when caprylic acid was combined with other natural antifungals, it effectively killed Candida.

Some causes of constipation are inflammatory in nature, such as is the case with ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s Disease, and IBD. Plus, research shows that chronic constipation can cause low-grade inflammation.

Caprylic acid can help combat this inflammatory state to both help relieve constipation and reduce the risk of other inflammatory-related conditions. Studies show that the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil can help protect the body against gut inflammation. Another 2019 study showed that caprylic acid had anti-inflammatory effects in mice.

Caprylic acid’s anti-inflammatory properties have been studied in people as well. One study found that it helped calm inflammation in patients who were diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. A 2019 study also showed that it helped soothe IBD.

Olive Leaf

While olive oil might get all of the attention for its health benefits, the olive leaf does have promising applications for those who struggle to be regular. Since Ancient Egypt, olive leaf has held well-known health properties 

Today, researchers understand that it has potent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

One study found that it helped inhibit several strains of bacteria and fungi, including Candida. Another 2017 study also found that it worked as an antimicrobial agent.

Olive leaf has also been studied against parasites. One 2019 study found that olive leaf had antimalarial activity. A 2016 study found it was effective against Giardia. Research in 2017 found that it had anti-parasitic properties as well.

Although more human research needs to be done, the science is promising that it can help relieve the gut.

Research Is beginning to discover its anti-inflammatory benefits as well. Research in 2019 showed that olive leaf extract reduced inflammation in human cells. One of the properties in olive leaf, oleuropein, has also been studied for its anti-inflammatory properties. 

In addition to these properties, researchers found in a 2019 study that olive leaf helped to soothe the gut.

Black Walnut Hull

As a tree grown throughout the United States and Asia, Indigenous and Asian health practitioners have long used black walnuts for their health benefits. In fact, Indigenous people were the first to use the hulls as a laxative to relieve constipation.

Today, researchers have found that they can offer a number of benefits. The hull of the black walnut contains a specific compound that aids the gut, called juglone.

Juglone is a potent anti-parasitic compound that gardeners even often use as a natural remedy for pests. It inhibits certain enzymes that parasites need to function, thus destroying them.

Researchers found in a 2019 analysis that it contains potent antiseptic compounds that fight parasites. One 2015 study showed that it produced cell death against a certain parasite that attacks the eye, while another found that it killed the parasite Toxoplasma.

In addition to parasites, the hull of the black walnut is also potent against yeast and bacteria. One 2019 study found that the juglone was as powerful against fungus as certain over-the-counter medication. Another study found that it potentially inhibited several bacteria that lead to GI diseases.

Although the cases of black walnut hull relieving constipation are largely historical and anecdotal, the research behind the active compounds shows how they could provide relief for many.

Clove Extract

A dried scented flower native to an evergreen tree native to Indonesia, cloves have long been prized as a popular spice in both Britain and India. Ayurvedic medicine has long used cloves medicinally as well, especially when it comes to treating gastrointestinal infections.

Researchers have found that one of the compounds in cloves, called eugenol, gives it its strong gut-boosting abilities. 

Research shows that it helps stimulate gastric mucous production in animals. This increase in mucous could potentially help facilitate bowel movement.  Eugenol also works to kill microbes that could be contributing to constipation, including parasites and bacteria.

Researchers have found that eugenol is effective against parasites such as Schistosoma, blastocysts, Giardia and lowered the presence of Babesia by 69%.

In addition, researchers found it inhibits several strains of bacteria.

Studies have also shown that cloves are potent in their anti-inflammatory effects, which can help counteract the negative effects of constipation.

With its multitude of benefits, cloves could provide relief of symptoms and reduce the risk of developing constipation in the future.

Ceylon Cinnamon

While most of us are well-acquainted with the Cassia cinnamon that can usually be found in grocery stores, Ceylon cinnamon has a milder taste and a multitude of health benefits. 

Gathered from the inner bark of the Cinnamomum genus tree, Ceylon has been used and revered by health practitioners for over a thousand years.

Today, researchers have discovered Ceylon cinnamon confers many health benefits, from heart protection to insulin sensitivity to neurological benefits and more. However, it has specific benefits to help relieve those who suffer from constipation.

Constipation and diabetes often go together. Research shows that constipation is more common in people with diabetes, and about 75% of those with diabetes also suffer from constipation. Poor blood sugar control is shown to increase the likelihood of constipation. That is where Ceylon cinnamon can help. 

Several studies have shown the anti-diabetic effects of cinnamon. Research shows that .5 to 2 teaspoons per day can lower fasting blood sugar levels anywhere from 10-29%.

In addition, Ceylon cinnamon is particularly high in anti-inflammatory properties to help reduce the chances of developing constipation caused by inflammatory conditions. One study found that cinnamon contained the most antioxidants of any of the 26 spices studied by the researchers.

Researchers have also found that the spice has antibacterial properties to help restore balance to the digestive tract. In one study, Ceylon cinnamon was effective in fighting off multiple strains of bacteria. In another study, researchers found that it was effective because it disrupted the membranes of harmful bacteria.

While Ceylon cinnamon is beneficial to help reduce the cause of constipation for those with diabetes, it can potentially help those with gut imbalances restore regular bowel movements as well.


Artemisinin is a potent property that helps give wormwood its antimicrobial properties. When it is isolated, it is extremely powerful in bringing balance back to the gut with its ability to fight parasites, bacteria, and yeast.

Its anti-parasitic properties are so well-known that The World Health Organization recommends administering artemisinin with traditional antimalarial drugs to fight off the parasite.

Researchers found that it works as an antimicrobial agent by attacking the mitochondria of microbes and degrading the biofilm that they use to protect themselves. Artemisinin can do all of this without attacking or hurting the cells that belong to the host. Once they are weakened, the body can work to get the body back into balance, which can help relieve some of the dysbiosis associated with constipation.

In addition, research on artemisinin shows that it has potent anti-inflammatory effects on the body, which can help with inflammation associated with constipation.

Life Hacks for Constipation

Herbal remedies can be powerful for helping improve the symptoms of constipation in the short term. However, the best way to combat constipation is through lifestyle and diet adjustments. Here are some ways you can help bring back regular bowel movements and reduce constipation:

Additional Supplements

In addition to the herbal remedies listed above, there are supplements that can help improve your microbiome and soothe your gut. For example, magnesium is a well-known deficiency, and Magnesium citrate helps relieve constipation by drawing water into the colon. Other supplements include:

  • Probiotics
  • Cod liver oil
  • Aloe vera juice
  • Sprouted chia seeds
  • Psyllium husk

Try to use laxatives as little as possible. The body can grow accustomed to the medication and struggle to have regular bowel movements without them.

Stress Relief

Stress is a common underlying cause of constipation. The brain and gut work together and constantly send signals back and forth. If the brain is feeling stress, it will send stress signals to the rest of the body, such as cortisol. These signals encourage the blood to draw away from the gut and towards the hands and feet instead. When the body is under stress, it cares a lot less about digestion and more about running away from danger!

Some ways to encourage relaxation include:

  • Meditation
  • Prayer
  • Journaling
  • Spending time outdoors
  • Warm baths
  • Reading
  • Picking up a hobby


Dehydration is a common cause of constipation. Get plenty of water throughout the day to help make bowel movement easier. If getting enough water is a struggle, try adding lemon, lime, or sparkling water to switch things up!

Warm liquids, especially first thing in the morning, can help stimulate digestion. Ginger tea with lemon or bone broth helps hydrate and provides valuable nutrients to help the gut.

Foods for Relief

High-fiber foods can all help improve the state of the gut. However, only 7% of Americans meet the daily fiber requirements set by the Institute of Medicine. Some high-fiber foods include

  • Beans
  • Legumes
  • Flax seeds
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Avocado
  • Prunes
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Chia seeds

Green leafy vegetables are high in fiber, water, and magnesium, which can help draw liquids to the gut and encourage bowel movements.

While there are foods that can help increase motility, other foods common in the Standard American Diet can make constipation worse, including:

  • Fried foods
  • Alcohol
  • Refined flour
  • Caffeine
  • Pasteurized dairy


There are a few reasons that exercise is especially good for the gut. It can help counteract stress and encourage a positive mindset, which can attack some of the underlying causes of constipation. The movement also helps use gravity to promote a bowel movement. Some of the best exercises for constipation include:

  • Rebounding or jumping on a mini-trampoline
  • Jogging
  • Yoga
  • Swimming
  • Walking
  • Dancing


The colon can be patient. While the bladder is more urgent when a trip to the bathroom is needed, the feedback between the brain and the colon allows the brain to send signals that it is not time to use the bathroom. This is a common occurrence when people travel or are out in public. However, if it goes for too long, the colon can become chronically constipated, and it can be challenging to convince the body to have a bowel movement.

The good news is, just as it is easy to train the body to be constipated, we can also teach our body to have a bowel movement at the same time each day.

Get Regular with Herbs and Lifestyle Changes

Constipation is not openly discussed in society but is critical for overall health and a better quality of life. Health practitioners have long connected constipation with poorer health and wellness. That is why they specifically chose herbs that could help increase regularity.

With the use of herbs and spices, it is possible to reduce constipation and help bring balance back to the gut. When coupled with lifestyle changes, it is possible to find relief apart from laxatives and medication.

That is why we put all of these powerful ingredients in one convenient formula. EX-CANDIDA is sourced with the purest ingredients and is backed both by research and traditional use.



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