It’s that classic story: you walk into a room and forget why you even went there in the first place. Was it for your car keys? Cell phone? Wallet?

You can’t remember. Whatever it was supposed to be, the more you try to remember why you entered, the more it just seems to slip away.

Or maybe you’re at work, and the tasks keep pouring in non-stop. No matter how much you stare at that computer screen, you just can’t get into a productive frame of mind, nor can you seem to remember which task you should prioritize first.

You miss deadlines, lose things, and you need to add “make a list of things to do” to your to-do list. It’s a vicious, frustrating cycle you just can’t seem to break or improve. Sound familiar?


But it certainly doesn’t get any easier the older we get. Combining that with most people having physically stagnant, sit-down jobs (with no movement)—and less time to exercise or be physically active—the ultimate cost to our health is terrible circulation everywhere in our bodies.

And forget about (pun intended) circulation only relating to the muscles and skin. Circulation also has a great impact on your nerves and brain, which can shake your focus or make you forgetful.

Luckily, there are little things we can do to prevent memory issues or support better brain health while dealing with them. This includes a few lifestyle changes, maybe even an improved diet – that includes memory-boosting herbs and botanicals that are supported by modern research. lower back pain

Memory & Cognitive Support No Matter How You Mix It!


In truth, there are a lot more factors than this in our daily lives that tend to stack up against our mental powers over time.

Stress can be a major player. If you have too many commitments or demands both at work and home to think about—family, deadlines, projects, responsibilities, etc.—there’s nothing like trying to keep track of everything to loose focus on even more.

Health is the next culprit. Are you in good health? Do you get sick often, or have compromised immunity? Do you get enough exercise? Have low energy? This will certainly affect concentration and memory as well.

Diet will be a likely factor too. Inevitably, eating nothing but junk, sugar, and too much dairy, carbs, and animal products—without the adequate fruits, veggies, and other plant foods to bring you a healthy balance—will not only damage your body but also your mind. Not getting enough nutrition can give you that all too familiar brain fog.

If you struggle with poor memory, focus, difficulty concentrating, and fuzzy thinking, chances are good that it may have to do with one or a combination of the above factors.

But in some more serious cases, it can have to do with a lot more; however, either way, some lifestyle changes—along with helpful, research-supported herbal and mushroom remedies—can really help.


Stress, diet, and nutrition certainly factor into your poor mental focus, along with generally poor health and low energy. But what might exactly cause poor memory? What other, bigger causes could have to do with the issue?

Speaking simply, poor memory and mental focus happens as a result of reduced blood flow to the brain (i.e. poor circulation) and sometimes combines with other issues in the body. There’s lot of reasons why this can happen, but some of it can be due to the following more specific issues:

  • Aging
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Excess substance use (like alcohol)
  • Lack of exercise
  • Lack of sleep
  • Nutrient deficiencies

If you have infrequent but reoccurring struggles with memory, it’s more likely that they have to do with stress, diet, or basic health. However, if you have some of these issues—or you worry that your memory problems may be due to something bigger—make sure to have a talk with your doctor.


If you think (or sure) that you’re struggling with memory, what can you do to help it?

Whether it’s due to a small issue (more likely) or a bigger health problem (less likely—but don’t rule it out), one of the best ways you can combat the problem is through some very simple exercises at home. That or even some lifestyle changes can bring you back to a sharper, clearer mental focus.

  • Get better sleep – We sleep at night to allow important nerves and pathways rest and repair. If we don’t sleep enough—or sleep irregularly—this can steal from our memory and focus.
  • Exercise more – As said earlier, exercising boosts circulation. And not just to the muscles and skin, but to the brain, too, which in turn boosts its operating capacity.
  • Reduce stress – Being stressed out ultimately takes our focus away from the present moment. When that happens, we can become more forgetful, lose things, miss important dates and appointments, etc.
  • Avoid being overwhelmed – Don’t pile up too many tasks on your to-do list during a given amount of time. Focus only on one thing at a time, and as a result, you’ll be less likely to forget anything.
  • Learn a new skill – Learning new things (like a language or new hobby, for example) opens up fresh, new pathways in the brain. It invigorates the way you think and, in the process, improves your memories all around.
  • Solve puzzles – Challenges like crossword puzzles, Sudoku, riddles, brainteasers, and board games can keep your brain active and help you remember things better.

But most of all: try memory-enhancing herbs and medicinal mushrooms. Some herbs are directly known for improving memory capabilities if used daily. Maybe give one or two a try to get the jump-start your memory needs—read on to learn about a few of them!


Who would have known that this delightful Italian kitchen spice could help boost short-term memory while helping improve focus and concentration in the process? As a matter of fact, many folk healers and herbalists of tradition have known this, having used rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) for better brain function over hundreds of years.

Many studies confirm that it improves both short-term and long-term memory, as well as cognitive function and the ability to learn new things—even when one consumes the herb in normal culinary amounts! Give it a try for yourself:

  • Enjoy rosemary in a tea with the addition of honey or a healthy sweetener for better taste. Take it every day for a long period of time to experience benefits.
  • Combine it with other herbs in a tea form to help better round-out the taste.
  • Purchase rosemary extract in a convenient dropper or tincture form, and effortlessly add a dose to your beverage (or straight) every day.
  • Season with the herb often for your daily meals. Even consuming rosemary in culinary amounts has revealed benefits, studies show.

Follow one, a combination of, or perhaps even all the above methods to get rosemary and improved memory back into your life.


Take a step beyond rosemary and the herbal world, and explore the possibilities of medicinal mushrooms. Many of these have been thoroughly researched for their nootropic and memory-improving benefits, which are of current great interest in the scientific and medical worlds.

CORDYCEPS (Cordyceps sinensis)

Cordyceps is a well-known energy booster, adaptogen, and nootropic healing mushroom. It is especially notorious for its ability to protect the body from the impacts of stress, particularly stress that affects the nervous system—including the brain and nerves.

Taking cordyceps may help reduce the body’s wear-and-tear from stress, especially when it manifests as fatigue and an inability to focus or remember things.


You could call lion’s mane the “king” of all nerve and brain-enhancing mushrooms. Probably one of the best-studied, most famous natural nootropics; it can help both protect and regenerate neurons, which in turn can improve the ability to remember things and prevent forgetfulness. It has even shown potential for reversing the effects of Alzheimer’s disease!


The beautiful and mysterious reishi mushroom is better known in the herbal world for boosting immunity and even preventing some cancers. However, studies of its compounds have demonstrated that it can help protect and prevent damage to the neurons, including that which leads to memory issues over time.

Mаnу реорlе аrе nоw lооkіng tоwаrdѕ these tуреs оf mushrooms аѕ a good аltеrnаtіvе. No mаttеr the potential health аdvаntаgеѕ of mushrooms, do not replace уоur сurrеnt treatment рrеѕсrіbеd until you consult with your doctor.