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Don’t Ignore These Pneumonia Symptoms – Natural Remedies That Work

Pneumonia is a serious illness that affects millions of people worldwide every year. In fact, experts believe it is responsible for up to 7% of all deaths in adults.

However, there are natural ways to boost immunity and lower inflammation to reduce the risk of developing the illness. Also, certain supplements can decrease the chances of it becoming severe and speed healing for those who develop pneumonia.

In this post, we will dive into what pneumonia is and natural ways we can protect ourselves from this deadly illness.

What is Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is an infection in the lungs caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. It causes inflammation in the alveoli, or the air sacs in the lungs that hold the oxygen we breathe.

How a person develops pneumonia depends on what kind of pneumonia it is. In fact, the American Lung Association states that there are more than 30 different causes of pneumonia. Bacterial and viral pneumonia are contracted through inhaling airborne droplets from another’s cough or sneeze. However, fungal pneumonia is not contagious and comes from the environment, such as bird droppings or fungi in the soil.

 Symptoms of pneumonia can range from mild to severe. Some signs of pneumonia include:

  • Coughing that produces mucus
  • Shortness of breath while doing everyday activities, even resting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Fever or chills
  • Headaches
  • Nausea or vomiting

Walking pneumonia is a more common, milder form of pneumonia. In some cases, people may not even realize that they have pneumonia at all. It can take longer to recover from walking pneumonia versus more severe pneumonia, though. Some symptoms of walking pneumonia are:

  • Mild fever
  • A dry cough that lasts more than a week
  • Chest pain
  • Reduced appetite
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chills

How severe the symptoms present mostly depends on an individual’s overall health and the strength of their immune system. Children under five, older adults, and those with a weakened immune system are especially vulnerable to pneumonia.

The medical treatment for pneumonia depends on what type it is. If pneumonia comes from a virus or fungi, then antibiotics are useless to treat it. However, there are natural ways to help boost our immune and lung function to encourage healing and help speed recovery. 

Natural Remedies for Pneumonia

The more robust our lung health, the less we’re affected by pneumonia. When we work to increase our lung health, we can reduce the risk of developing pneumonia and its many complications.

Health practitioners worldwide observed over the centuries that certain plants could help bring healing and strengthen the lungs. Today, researchers have sought to find out whether or not these ancient observations were real. They pinpointed several herbs and plants that do help protect and strengthen the body and lungs.

We have included these plants in one convenient supplement. LNG-RENEW offers the purest ingredients that are backed by both traditional use and modern research to help boost lung health.

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Mullein Leaf

As an unassuming herb that can be found all over America today, mullein leaf has a surprising history. For thousands of years, mullein leaf has had a reputation as a lung aid. Indigenous health practitioners would use mullein to help relieve coughs, congestion and treat both asthma and bronchitis. It was even used to treat tuberculosis in Victorian England.

Today, researchers have confirmed many of its lung-boosting abilities. Specifically, they identified that its potency lies in its multitude of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have found that it contains flavonoids, phenylethanoids, iridoids, and saponins, just to name of few.

Anti-inflammatories make mullein leaf particularly powerful against pneumonia. This is because the illness is inflammatory by nature. Scientists have found that, among other factors, the response to inflammation is critical in determining whether a respiratory infection turns into pneumonia.

Taking mullein, then, can help reduce the risk of developing pneumonia, especially for someone who is fighting a respiratory infection. For those who have pneumonia, anti-inflammatories can help decrease many painful symptoms, such as chest pain.

Pneumonia can make breathing difficult and painful. The antioxidants in mullein are pain-relieving as well. In fact, one study found that mullein leaf can help relax the air pathways, which makes breathing easier. The leaf can provide a vital aid by opening up constriction in the throat.

Mullein is also antibacterial and antiviral. One study found that it was effective in fighting the flu virus. This can be especially helpful for the vulnerable because the flu is a major risk factor for developing pneumonia. Another study found that it was effective against numerous bacteria strains, including one strain of bacteria, Klebsiella pneumonia, that can cause pneumonia.

A different 2016 study also found that it was effective in fighting against respiratory infections. It can provide critical protection for those that have an infection and are vulnerable to developing pneumonia. 

The research on the antibacterial and antiviral nature of mullein leaf is limited to specific strains. However, there is evidence that it can provide critical aid against even more.


Originating from Europe and Asia, this plant with beautiful yellow flowers is named after the royal Helen of Troy. For centuries, health practitioners have used the root of elecampane to help soothe respiratory issues. In fact, lozenges with elecampane were popular throughout the 17th century.

Today, researchers have found that it can provide a vital boost for the lungs.

Elecampane can help soothe muscles in the throat to help aid breathing. This is especially critical during pneumonia when inflammation can make muscles tight and tense. In one study, researchers tested 16 different herbs to compare their ability to ease throat muscles. Elecampane proved to be the most effective at relaxing the muscles in the throat to improve breathing.

Elecampane is also a rich source of anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, one review of more than 120 studies found that it was a potent antioxidant. In another study, researchers found that it was beneficial in treating oxidative-stress-related diseases. More specifically, a 2020 study found that its anti-inflammatory properties helped fight respiratory illnesses.

As a potent source of anti-inflammatories, elecampane can provide a vital boost for those with respiratory infections. It can also help reduce the risk of developing pneumonia.

Elecampane can also fight against bacteria, which can help reduce the chances of developing pneumonia. One study found that it fought multiple strains of bacteria. Even more interesting, a different study discovered that it could help make antibiotics more effective against strains of naturally resistant bacteria.

Elecampane’s ability to boost antibiotics is important with the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This group is proliferating and difficult to treat. Some of these strains of bacteria, such as MRSA, are known to cause pneumonia.

It’s odd to think of your gut when researching ways to reduce the risk of and naturally treat pneumonia. Yet, the two are linked. A healthy microbiome is critical in supporting the immune system. It is also protective because a strong balance of bacteria creates an inhospitable environment for virulent bacteria and viruses. 

Research shows that elecampane can help boost and encourage healthy bacteria. Elecampane contains inulin, which is a soluble fiber. This fiber is critical for feeding the beneficial bacteria in the body, supporting a healthy immune system.

In addition to supporting a healthy microbiome, research shows that elecampane has immunomodulatory properties. That means that it can either increase the immune system, such as during illness, or dampen it, such as autoimmune disease. It can be critical for ensuring that the immune system is working optimally.

English Ivy

As an unassuming houseplant, English ivy is surprisingly powerful for the lungs and aiding lung health. In fact, the knowledge that English ivy can support the airways stretches back to ancient Greece.

English ivy’s properties make it potent against pneumonia. Research has confirmed that it is full of antioxidants. In fact, one study on rats found that it could help reduce both chronic and acute inflammation, which is critical in reducing an individual’s chance of developing pneumonia. 

Of all of English ivy’s properties that help the lungs, polysaccharides are perhaps the most studied. Researchers found that it works to relieve throat irritation and cough. It can help clear out mucus, which can be a problem in the case of pneumonia. The soothing effect can be a potent aid against the chronic cough that happens with pneumonia.

Research supports using English ivy to help reduce the uncomfortable cough that can come with pneumonia. Another study of more than 17,000 participants also confirmed that English ivy helped minimize coughing. In a different study, it worked as effectively as some cough medicine in patients with chronic bronchitis. 

For those who are struggling with a chronic cough, English ivy can be a vital aid.

Children are especially vulnerable to pneumonia. They both develop it more easily and are more likely to experience severe symptoms. Researchers have found that English ivy is particularly helpful for soothing children’s coughs and opening the airways.

In one study, English ivy helped increase air intake in children with bronchial asthma. Another study also found that it was effective in relieving children’s coughs. Since many of the medications that help relieve the symptoms of pneumonia aren’t safe for young children, English ivy could be a valuable aid.

Mucus production is also a particular problem with pneumonia. The illness causes an increase in production, which can make breathing more difficult. One study found that English ivy can help reduce mucus, which can soothe coughs and make breathing easier. It should be noted, though, that more research needs to be done to confirm this benefit.


The smell and taste of honeysuckle conjures up images of summertime for many of us. However, don’t be fooled by its delicate appearance: it can be a powerful aid for the lungs. There are over 200 different types of honeysuckle, but Japanese honeysuckle, in particular, is effective in soothing the airways. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners have long used Japanese honeysuckle for a wide variety of health benefits. Today, scientists have discovered that it is a potent source of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In fact, they have identified over 140 compounds that include anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Many of these identified compounds in Japanese honeysuckle are also antibacterial and antiviral. It can provide valuable support in warding off unwanted illness-causing microbes that could lead to pneumonia. 

Not only does honeysuckle fight bacteria and viruses, but it also helps support the immune system. This can provide valuable aid in fighting pneumonia and reducing the chances of developing it at all. One 2018 study found that honeysuckle berries help boost immune system function. Another 2015 study also found that it works as an immunomodulatory agent. As such, it can help increase white blood cells in the body to ward off viruses and bacteria.

For those with a weakened immune system, honeysuckle could provide a effective boost to fight off pneumonia.

Osha Root

Also known as Bear Root, Mountain Lovage, and Colorado Cough Root, the Osha root is a part of both the carrot and parsley family. Isolated to the high regions of Colorado and New Mexico, Indigenous cultures have used it medicinally for centuries.

Researchers found that the Osha root can provide a vital boost for the immune system and fight off both viral and bacterial infections. While the studies are mostly limited to specific strains of bacteria and viruses, they do show that it has strong microbial properties.

Researchers have discovered in various studies that Osha root can fight staph infections, bacillus cereus, and e. Coli. Some of these strains of bacteria, such as specific staph infections, can lead to pneumonia.

Fungi is a lesser-known way that people can contract pneumonia. In these cases, Osha root can provide effective help. A 2019 study found that one of the active properties in Osha root, called z-ligustilide, has protective effects against fungi.

In addition to these unique properties, the Osha root is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. In one test-tube study, researchers found that it helped reduce inflammatory markers. A different study on Osha root found that it had significantly more anti-inflammatory capabilities than other plants.

Osha root can be a critical help for those who need help fighting off bacteria, viruses, and fungi that could lead to pneumonia.

Life Hacks for Lung Vitality

Supplements can be valuable and provide critical help. However, they are not capable of overcoming poor health and lifestyle choices. To keep the lungs healthy and clear for years to come, there are important steps to take:

  • Quit smoking. Avoiding pneumonia is just another reason to quit. Smoking dramatically increases the chance of coming down with a respiratory infection. It also lowers the immune response and increases inflammation, which is a recipe for developing pneumonia. To reduce the chances of pneumonia, put down the cigarettes!
  • Get enough rest. Sleep is critical for an optimal immune system. Make sure to get at least seven hours a night to help reduce the chance of developing pneumonia.
  • Reduce stress. Stress affects so many aspects of health, including the immune system. Find ways to lower stress levels to fight off illness. Exercise, meditation, prayer, social activities, and hobbies are great ways to help healthily relieve stress.
  • Eat a colorful diet. Sugar and unhealthy fats increase oxidative stress and lead to an impaired immune system. Instead, colorful fruits and vegetables can increase antioxidants in the body to lower oxidative stress. Eat a varied diet to reap the maximum benefits.
  • Exercise. Exercise keeps the lungs strong and healthy. It can also help strengthen the immune system to fight off illness. Find enjoyable ways to move, whether HIIT classes, hikes, or walks around the park.
  • Perform deep breathing exercises. Strengthening the lungs is critical for fighting respiratory infections and lowering inflammation. Plus, it can help lower stress too. Breathing exercises, such as box breathing, can help strengthen the lungs.
  • Sing. Like breathing exercises, singing can help strengthen the lungs. Even singing in the shower can provide powerful benefits! There’s no need to be a professional to reap the benefits.
  • Get some sun. Sunshine provides multiple benefits for health. It can help boost the immune system by providing vitamin D. Sunshine can also help improve sleep by normalizing melanin levels, which is critical for overall help.
  • Pay attention to oral hygiene. A recent 2020 study linked oral health with the occurrence of pneumonia. Experts believe that the bacteria in the mouth travels to the lungs, leading to pneumonia. Maintain good oral hygiene to help reduce the chance of pneumonia.

Despite some of our best efforts, it is still possible to develop pneumonia. It is critical to seek medical advice in the case of serious illness. However, there are also ways that we can support our healing in addition to traditional medicine. In these cases, here are some of the best ways we can encourage healing:

  • Fluids are critical for keeping the body healthy during sickness. However, sports and soft drinks are full of sugar and are likely to make the problem worse. Instead, have hot teas, broths, and soups to help nourish the body.
  • The body is doing difficult work during illness. It is building up defenses and ridding the body of bacteria. Get plenty of rest to ensure it is ready to fight.
  • Ginger tea, in particular, can help reduce chest pain with its anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Fenugreek seeds, such as in tea, could also provide a boost. One review found that it could reduce mucus.
  • Herbal teas can also be powerful during illness. One study found that herbs such as eucalyptus and peppermint soothed the throat in people who had upper respiratory infections.
  • A warm saltwater gargle can help eliminate mucus and germs. This will help reduce coughing and irritation.
  • Small amounts of caffeine, such as green tea or coffee, can help improve breathing. The caffeine opens up the airways in the lungs, counteracting the constriction that often happens in pneumonia.

Proper care and nourishment are critical for both the prevention and treatment of pneumonia. The amount of work we put into maintaining our wellness will help ward off sickness and give us the vitality to live our lives to the fullest.

Fight off Pneumonia with Plants and Lifestyle 

Pneumonia can be a deadly disease for the vulnerable and seriously hamper life quality for everyone. However, with the proper care and concern, it is possible to maintain lung health and decrease the risk of developing pneumonia.

By combining ancient knowledge and modern science, we can find the most effective natural treatments. Along with a healthy lifestyle, supplements can provide critical help to reduce the risk of developing pneumonia. It can also help lessen the symptoms and speed healing when we do fall ill. 

LNG-RENEW provides some of the purest and most potent supplements in one convenient formula. Backed by research and traditional wisdom, each ingredient can nourish the lungs and give the body a vital boost. Whether currently struggling with pneumonia or trying to reduce the chances of it, LNG-RENEW can provide critical help.



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